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June 25, 2015

Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal became the 13th presidential candidate to formally enter the 2016 presidential race. He is also the third declared 2016 presidential candidate that is...

June 16, 2015

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush officially entered the 2016 Republican presidential race yesterday in Miami. The launch featured a moment when Bush addressed immigration advocates in the crowd...

June 9, 2015

Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican Senator (turned Democrat) and Governor from Rhode Island announced presidential bid for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States last week....

June 8, 2015

Former Texas governor Rick Perry announced his bid for the Republican presidential candidacy last week. His immigration rhetoric in the past several years has been one that focuses more on border...

June 5, 2015

Earlier this week, Lindsey Graham became the ninth candidate to announce his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. Attempting to distinguish himself from the other candidates,...

June 3, 2015

Former Republican New York Governor George Pataki recently entered the 2016 presidential race, highlighting what his national security and government reform agenda would be, but failing to mention...

June 1, 2015

On Saturday, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley became the third Democratic candidate to enter the 2016 presidential race. In his announcement, O’Malley said that “for the sake of our...

May 28, 2015

Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), who finished second in the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary behind Mitt Romney, will again seek to secure the party’s nomination in 2016. Santorum said at...

May 12, 2015

Immigration policy has become a hot topic as the 2016 Presidential primary picks up steam. It is no surprise that the issue of Presidential authority over immigration has taken center stage in...

May 7, 2015

This week, three GOP candidates entered the 2016 race. Here’s what we know about their stance on current U.S. immigration policy: Carly Fiorina Fiorina announced on Monday that she is running in...

March 27, 2017

If the Trump administration fulfills its promise to build a “big, beautiful wall” along the entire length of the U.S.-Mexico border, it will be a very costly solution to a problem that no longer...

Publication Date: 
March 21, 2017
This fact sheet explains detainers, how they are used by federal and local enforcement, and the impact they have on immigrants.
March 14, 2017

President Trump stated that he has “ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims during his Joint Address to congress. The office is called VOICE –...

March 8, 2017

International Women’s Day is an appropriate time to take stock of the many ways in which immigrant women contribute to the labor force of the United States. Some of these contributions are often...

Publication Date: 
March 8, 2017
There are nearly 12 million immigrant (foreign-born) women workers in the United States today, comprising just over 7 percent of the total labor force.
March 3, 2017

President Trump made many promises on the campaign trail. One of which was to breathe new life into what some see as a stagnant U.S. economy. In fact, there are indications that it was this one...

March 2, 2017

State by state “sanctuary” policies have received significant attention lately. Hundreds of communities across the nation have passed some version of a sanctuary policy and in doing so have made...

January 26, 2017

On January 25, President Trump signed a pair of immigration-related executive orders, one dealing with border security and the other with immigration enforcement in the interior of the country....

January 6, 2017

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that beginning on January 4, 2017, it has changed how it posts processing times. Rather that listing weeks or months, it now...

December 16, 2016

Earlier this month, President-elect Donald Trump selected retired General John Kelly to be his nominee for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). There is not much in the record...

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