2024 Mid-Year Impact Report


July 24, 2024

In a year fraught with pressing issues, immigration stands at the forefront of our national discourse. This year holds immense significance for policy and attitudes in the United States, impacting millions of current and future newcomers and our country as a whole. The American Immigration Council is embracing this moment’s distinct opportunities and challenges head-on. In this report, learn more about what we have accomplished through our multi-pronged approach and how our staff has worked in tandem to advance lasting policy and social change for immigrants and receiving communities in the United States. Our team is advancing real solutions at all levels of government, fighting against harmful bills with facts and lawsuits, and locking in meaningful wins with our ongoing court cases and transparency work. From policy analysis to impact litigation, we are working to advance a fairer, more humane system that updates policies and safeguards individual and human rights.